
Welcome to Mediterranean Winner Show Ljubljana

(16-17 March 2019)!


Before applying please make sure you checked all the following points:


You have to be a member of a FIFe Member (country) to be able to take part as an exhibitor.

Your cat (a fully recognised breed or a housecat) has to be qualified according to the FIFe Show Rules.

Your club will have to confirm your membership and qualifications.

Entries will be open from November 5th until February 25th 2019. 


Only online entries will be accepted.


Registration fees:


For 1 cat                                55 EUR 


Show catalogue                    Gratis (per exhibitor)


Double cage for 1 cat*          20 EUR per cat 


Entry after February 25th**   20 EUR per exhibitor


Payment on the spot***         20 EUR per exhibitor


* Cage measurements (WHD): Single cage 70 x 70 x 70 / Double cage 140 x 70 x 70 (in cm). Show cages will be provided by the organiser, other cages are not allowed. Double cage for 1 cat will be granted only if available. For that reason they will be charged separately after the deadline.


** If free spots are still available.


*** At the show hall on March 16th

Payment instructions:


Click here for payment information.


Participation at the show is on the risk of the exhibitor. Exhibitors may present their cats to the judges except for the Best in Show (BIS) part. All exhibitors must agree to respect FIFe and ZFDS rules. 

Veterinary requirements:

All cats must be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia at least 15 days before the show. All cats, travelling from EU countries to Slovenia must be vaccinated for rabies. The period of vaccine validity is marked by an authorized veterinarian in the cats' passport or vaccination certificate. All cats from non-EU countries to Slovenia must have appropriate documents that conform to EU Regulation No 576/2013. Upon registration, cats will be identified via microchip. White cats must have a veterinary certificate for a hearing test.

Unfortunately, no permissions to leave early will be granted at the MWS19. Cats must be present for the whole duration of the show on both days.

Cancellations for any reason accepted only until deadline (February 25th 2019).

See you at MWS 2019.

International Cat Show Ljubljana Slovenia (March 2015)

UBLJANA – Slovenija
14. in 15. marec 2015
Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana – BIC
Ižanska cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana
Vse pasme – oba dneva – 2 certifikata

On-line prijave:


Več informacij za razstavljavce 

Več informacij za obiskovalce

International Cat Show Celje Slovenia

11. IN 12.10.2014
Celjski sejem| Dvorana E | Dečkova 1
Jaana Jyrkinen (FI) I, II, III, IV
Luigi Comorio (IT) I, II, III, IV
Yan Roca Folch (FR) I, II, III, IV
Thea Friškovec (SI) I, II, III, IV
SOBOTA (11.10.2014)
– best of best mladiči, nevtri in odrasli.
– najlepša mladič in odrasla mačka po izboru obiskovalcev.
- najlepši mladič ZFDS
NEDELJA (12.10.2014)
- best of best mladiči, nevtri in odrasli.
- najlepša mladič in odrasla mačka po izboru obiskovalcev.
- najlepše leglo (razred 12, mladiči 4 – 7 mesecev )

Slovenija –
DŠ: 97712485
Banka Celje d.d.
IBAN: SI56 0600 0092 4766 192
Program razstave
8.00 – 9.00         Prihod razstavljalcev in veterinarski pregled
10.00 – 14.00     Ocenjevanje mačk
15.30                 Posebno tekmovanje
16.00                 Best in Show
18.00                 Zaključek razstave
Veterinarski predpisi:
Za vse mačke iz Slovenije morajo razstavljalci predložiti potrdilo o obveznih cepljenjih. Mačke morajo biti zdrave, imeti pristrižene kremplje, bele mačke pa morajo imeti tudi veterinarsko potrdilo, da slišijo.
Razstavljalci razstavljajo na lastno odgovornost in svoje mačke sami prinesejo na ocenjevanje.
Mačke morajo biti v kletkah do konca razstave.
Razstavljalce vljudno prosimo, da stole prinesejo s seboj.