
Leglo C


28.04.2021 se nam je skotilo prečudovito leglo 5 muckov. Od tega so 3 samčki in 2 samički in sicer:

Leglo B


27.01.2020 se nam je skotilo prečudovito leglo 5 muckov. Od tega so 3 samičke in 2 samčka in sicer:

Leglo A


IT*Nimue Beatrice 8 months

Beatrice, 8 mesecev. / Beatrice after 8 months.

IT*Nimue Beatrice 4 months

Beatrice, 4 mesece. / Beatrice after 4 months.

HR*Svantevid Vid 10 months

Vid, 10 mesecev. / Vid after 10 months.

Trieste International Cat Show September 2014

Perla na Mednarodni razstavi mačk v Trstu, 20. in 21. septembra 2014. / Perla at the International Cat Show in Trieste on September 20th and 21st 2014.

Zagreb International Cat Show September 2014

Perla na Mednarodni razstavi mačk v Zagrebu, 13. septembra 2014. / Perla at the International Cat Show in Zagreb on September 13th 2014.

Perla (A Star is Born) August 2014

Perla avgust 2014. / Perla August 2014.

Perla (A Star is Born) One year

Perla po enem letu. / Perla after one year.
